Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Rachel Carson vs Dick Tavern


Above is link to an article by Dick Tavern from 2005. In his article he tells the reader that Rachel Carson may have had good intentions when writing her book "Silent Spring", but that the outcome of her book was negative. In "Silent Spring" Carson writes that DDT caused cancer and liver damage, but Tavern claims that there is no evidence to support her claim. Tavern goes on to say that "DDT is the most effective agent ever invented for preventing insect-borne disease, which, according to the US National Academy of Sciences and the WHO, prevented over 50 million human deaths from malaria in about two decades." He is upset that Carson's influence and what he calls "careless science" has prevented DDT from helping stop disease for people that need it. 
I thought it was interesting to find an article that criticizes "Silent Spring", especially in 2005. Also, Tavern claims that Carson's claims lacked support. I wonder if Tavern was just attempting to hurt Carson's cause or is he correct. I attempted to find the truth and I found articles that supported both sides; however, I do find it hard to believe that Carson would have made claims that she had no support for.

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